How To Learn Writing Skills in English

English writing skills

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Discover how to learn writing skills in English with practical tips, effective tools, and strategies to improve your English writing skills.

Basic writing skills in English are crucial in the workplace. The quality of your writing leaves a lasting impression on readers, whether they are your boss, clients, or potential business partners.

This article explores how to develop and refine your English writing skills, ensuring that your communication is clear, impactful, and professional.

The Importance of Mastering Writing Skills in English

Mastering writing skills in English is crucial in the workplace because the quality of your writing creates a lasting impression on your reader—be it your boss, a client, or someone poised to make a multi-million-dollar business decision.

Have you ever encountered a poorly-written document that immediately lost your interest? What impression does your English writing skill leave on your boss, clients, or co-workers?

Does your writing alienate readers, impact your sales or job promotions, or does it foster loyalty, boost company revenue, and contribute to your six-figure salary?

Regardless of the type of writing skills you engage in at work, remember this: your writing reflects your intelligence, skills, work ethic, and personal integrity.

Writing eloquently and clearly builds trust and rapport swiftly, while sloppy, disorganized, and error-filled writing can lead readers to doubt your competence and reliability.

This article offers essential strategies to refine your writing skills in English, helping you communicate with clarity, simplicity, and impact, ensuring that you consistently produce high-quality content.

15 Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills in English

These writing tips will show you how to write good English by providing practical strategies for clarity, coherence, and impact.

By implementing these tips, you’ll improve your writing skills in English to craft engaging and effective content, boosting your professional English communication skills and ensuring your message resonates with your audience.

#1. Define your goals

Yiddish novelist, dramatist, and essayist, Sholem Asch, once said, “Writing comes more easily if you have something to say.” To become an excellent writer, your first task is to establish your aim.

Ask yourself:

  • Why am I writing this document?
  • What do I want to communicate?
  • Do I want to inform, educate, report, persuade, challenge, or entertain?

Clarifying your aim will help you adopt the best writing style for your reader. For example, an educational document will likely be more formal than one written for entertainment.

#2. Know your audience

To write effectively, you need to connect strongly with your readers. Ask yourself:

  • For whom am I writing this? Will I be writing for colleagues, my supervisor, my team of employees, or our clients?
  • How much information do my readers need? How familiar are my readers with the topic?
  • How much time do my readers have? Would my readers prefer a short, succinct presentation of facts and statistics, or more narration and exposition?

Knowing your audience will allow you to write content in a way that appeals to your readers.

structured pre-writing

#3. Use pre-writing exercises

Incorporate pre-writing exercises to organize your thoughts and clarify your ideas before starting your writing task. Techniques such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or free writing can help you explore different angles and identify key points for your piece.

For example, if you’re preparing to write an article, start by jotting down all related ideas and concepts in a mind map. This will help you structure your content logically and ensure a coherent flow in your final draft.

These pre-writing techniques will help you streamline the writing process and enhance the depth and quality of your work.

#4. Outline your draft

You know your aim. You know the people who will likely read your document. Now plan your document. What information will it contain?

What information will most likely grab the reader and hold their interest? What points do you need to get across? Start with a rough outline of ideas. Then go through the outline and add more information and more detail.

An outline will create the structure for your document. Soon enough, your writing will come more easily, quickly, and with greater clarity.

writing skills English

#5. Write what you know best

Read over your outline and write the first draft. Establish the main idea of the document and support your argument throughout. If a blank white page glares back at you like headlights, just start writing whatever topic you know best.

According to American novelist Jack London, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Don’t worry about the sequence if the ideas come to you out of order. You can cut and paste later.

#6. Use clear and concise language

Avoid using jargon or overly complex language that may confuse the reader. Aim for simplicity and clarity to ensure your message is understood.

For example, instead of writing, “The utilization of cutting-edge technology in our operational processes has augmented our productivity levels,” write, “Using new technology has improved our productivity.”

This approach makes your writing more accessible and engaging. Clear and concise language ensures that your audience can easily grasp your key points without getting lost in unnecessary or complicated terms.

what is writing skills in English

#7. Refine your writing

Writing is a process that involves drafting, revising, and editing. Learn to embrace this process and understand that the first draft is just the beginning.

If you have time, step away from the document. Come back to it later with a fresh mind. Now add material where needed. Trim away unnecessary sections. Refine the text to communicate what you want to say.

Remember: less is more. Try not to repeat ideas. Repetition, unless necessary, is tiresome for the reader. Keep the piece moving along. Use a lively pace. Progress through your points efficiently.

#8. Use writing software & tools

Leveraging online writing software and tools can significantly enhance your writing skills in English.

Quillbot’s free writing tools, including grammar checkers, paraphrasing tools, and plagiarism checkers, can help you refine your writing by identifying and correcting errors, rephrasing sentences for better clarity, and ensuring your work is original.

Additionally, learning how to use ChatGPT can be incredibly beneficial for writers. By utilizing these ChatGPT prompts for writers, you can overcome writer’s block, boost creativity, and enhance your writing skills.

For instance, you can prompt ChatGPT to help brainstorm ideas, generate outlines, or even provide alternative ways to express your thoughts. These tools offer practical assistance, making the writing process smoother and more efficient.

types writing skills in English

#9. Practice writing regularly

Improving your English writing skills requires consistent practice. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to write, whether journal entries, essays, or creative pieces.

Regular writing helps develop your style and enhances your ability to communicate effectively. Seeking feedback from peers or mentors is crucial. Share your work with others and ask for constructive criticism to identify areas for improvement.

For example, if you receive feedback that your arguments lack clarity, use that insight to refine your writing. Engaging with others’ perspectives will help you grow as a writer and build confidence in your skills.

#10. Read extensively

Reading a range of materials, from books and articles to essays and reports, can greatly enhance your English writing skills. Exposure to diverse writing styles, genres, and structures helps you understand different ways to convey ideas effectively.

For instance, reading classic literature can offer insights into rich, descriptive language, while contemporary articles might teach you about concise, impactful writing.

Analyzing different author writing styles will broaden your perspective and inspire you to experiment with your writing, leading to improved clarity and creativity.

Here are some books that teach English writing skills and offer detailed guidance and exercises to improve your skills.

By immersing yourself in different texts, you become more adept at identifying effective techniques and applying them to your work.

writing skill in English

#11. Practice writing daily

Practicing writing every day is key to improving your skills. Begin with simple activities like journaling or blogging to develop your unique voice and style.

These daily writing exercises help you become more comfortable expressing your thoughts and ideas. As you build confidence, gradually tackle more complex writing tasks such as essays, reports, or creative writing projects.

Consistent practice hones your technique and allows you to experiment with different styles and formats, ultimately enhancing your writing proficiency.

#12. Study grammar and style guides

Understanding the rules of grammar and the nuances of style is crucial for effective writing.

Resources like The Elements of Style by Strunk and White offer clear guidelines on grammar, punctuation, and composition that are essential for writing clearly and professionally.

Familiarize yourself with these rules to avoid common mistakes and improve your writing’s clarity and coherence. For example, knowing the difference between “its” and “it’s” can prevent errors and ensure your writing is polished.

Regularly consulting grammar and writing style guides helps reinforce good practices and develop a strong foundation for effective communication.

English writing skill

#13. Take English writing courses

Enroll in writing courses that focus on different aspects of writing, such as creative writing, technical writing, or business writing. Many online platforms offer comprehensive courses on writing skills in English.

Several resources provide activities for writing skills improvement, like this Udemy English Writing Course that covers all areas of English learning, including English grammar, English speaking, and English writing (punctuation).

In Ex-Wall Street Journal Editor Shani Raja’s Crash Course in Writing Well, you’ll learn the secrets of exceptional copywriting from top journalists to enhance your writing with style and flair, master powerful writing and editing tactics, and earn a certificate of completion.

#14. Get a writing coach

Share your work with peers, mentors, or writing coaches to receive constructive criticism. Feedback from others can provide valuable insights into your writing, highlighting strengths and pinpointing areas for improvement.

For example, a writing mentor might point out where your arguments are unclear or suggest ways to enhance your narrative flow. Constructive criticism helps you refine your skills, learn from mistakes, and gain new perspectives.

Regularly seeking feedback from a writing coach ensures that you continue to grow as a writer and produce more polished and effective content.

#15. Join writing communities

Engaging with a community of writers can provide valuable support, feedback, and inspiration. By joining local or online writing groups, you gain access to a network of peers who share your interests and goals.

For instance, participating in a critique group allows you to receive constructive feedback on your work and offer insights to others, fostering mutual growth. Online writing communities like Freelance Writers Den offer access to constructive input and insights as a tool to refine your writing skills.

Additionally, these groups often provide writing prompts, workshops, and discussions that can spark new ideas and enhance your creativity.

Whether you’re seeking advice, motivation, or a sense of belonging, writing groups can be an excellent resource for advancing your skills and achieving your writing goals.

3 Common English Writing Issues & How to Fix Them

Common writing mistakes can damage your professional image. Addressing these issues is crucial for maintaining clarity and demonstrating professionalism in your written communication.

By honing your writing skills and eliminating errors, you ensure that your message is clear and impactful, leaving a positive impression on your readers.

#1. Punctuation

Punctuation refers to the marks used in writing to clarify meaning and separate ideas within sentences. These marks help convey the intended tone, structure, and rhythm of the text. Common punctuation marks include:

  • Period (.): Ends a sentence.
  • Comma (,): Separates items in a list or clauses in a sentence.
  • Question Mark (?): Ends a question.
  • Exclamation Point (!): Shows strong emotion or emphasis.
  • Colon (:): Introduces a list, explanation, or quotation.
  • Semicolon (;): Connects closely related independent clauses.
  • Apostrophe (’): Indicates possession or contractions.
  • Quotation Marks (“ ”): Enclose direct speech or quotations.
  • Dash (—): Adds emphasis or indicates a range.
  • Parentheses (()): Enclose additional or explanatory information.

skill writing in English


Do not use an apostrophe in the possessive form of “it.”

  • Incorrect: Our department submitted it’s reports for 2005 last week.
  • Correct: Our department submitted its reports for 2005 last week.

Do not use apostrophes in the possessive forms “his,” “hers,” and “ours.”

  • Incorrect: The window office is her’s.
  • Correct: The window office is hers.

Do not use apostrophes in plural nouns.

  • Incorrect: How many new computer’s are we getting?
  • Correct: How many new computers are we getting?


Do not connect two complete sentences with a comma.

  • Incorrect: The meeting was cancelled, I finished my work early.
  • Correct: The meeting was cancelled, so I finished my work early.
  • Correct: Since the meeting was cancelled, I finished my work early.

writing skills topics in English

#2. Mechanics

Mechanics encompass the technical aspects of writing, including spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting. Ensuring correct spelling is crucial for clarity and professionalism in written communication.

Split Infinitives

Do not insert words between “to” and the infinitive form of a verb.

  • Incorrect: I was told we needed to slightly tighten the deadline.
  • Correct: I was told we needed to tighten the deadline slightly.


“A lot” is always two words.

  • Incorrect: I have alot of work to do.
  • Correct: I have a lot of work to do.

“To” is a function word often used before the infinitive form of a verb (to go).

“Too” is an adverb that means “excessively” (too difficult).

“Two” denotes the number 2.

  • Incorrect: This file cabinet is to heavy for me to move.
  • Correct: This file cabinet is too heavy for me to move.

“There” is an adverb indicating a place (over there).

“Their” is a possessive word that shows ownership (their computers).

“They’re” is the contraction form of “they are.”

  • Incorrect: There results for this quarter were excellent.
  • Correct: Their results for this quarter were excellent.
  • Incorrect: Their working very hard today.
  • Correct: They’re working very hard today.

writing skills in English topics

#3. Style

Style in writing refers to the distinctive way an author expresses their thoughts and ideas. It encompasses elements such as:

  • Tone: The attitude or emotion conveyed in the writing, which can range from formal and professional to casual and conversational.
  • Voice: The unique personality or perspective of the writer, which makes their writing recognizable and engaging.
  • Word Choice: The specific words and phrases selected affect clarity, impact, and the reader’s experience.
  • Sentence Structure: The arrangement of words and sentences, including variety in length and complexity, to create rhythm and flow.
  • Pacing: The speed at which the narrative or argument progresses, influenced by sentence length, paragraph breaks, and overall structure.
  • Formatting: The visual presentation of text, including headings, bullet points, and spacing that aid readability and organization.

An author’s writing style helps to effectively communicate their message and connect with their audience, making it an essential component of writing.

Sentence Variety

To write livelier English, vary sentence structure. Use alternate ways of beginning, and combine short sentences to create different sentence lengths.

  • Before: The team finished the project. They celebrated their success. They went out for dinner. They had a great time.
  • After: After the team finished the project, they celebrated their success by going out for dinner and enjoying a great time together.

writing in active voice

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

The English language has two “voices”: active voice (the subject performs an action) and passive voice (the subject is acted upon). In business communication, all good writers write in an active voice.

Lazy writers write in the passive voice. Writing in active voice shortens your sentences and makes your writing sound more direct and formal.

  • Passive: The recipe book is read by her.
  • Active: She reads the recipe book.
  • Passive: The radio announcement should be listened to by everyone.
  • Active: Everyone should listen to the radio announcement.
  • Passive: The photo is being taken by the photographer.
  • Active: The photographer is taking the photo.

By understanding writing skills in English and applying these guidelines, you can improve your ability to communicate effectively in the workplace. This involves mastering different types of writing skills, knowing how to write good English, and continuously refining your skills.

Your writing should always reflect your professionalism, attention to detail, and ability to connect with your readers. Whether drafting an email, writing a report, or creating a business proposal, these strategies will help you achieve clarity, simplicity, and impact.

Start improving your English writing skills today and watch your professional credibility and opportunities grow.

Writing Tips & Tutorials

© 2024, Priya Florence Shah. All rights reserved.

The post How To Learn Writing Skills in English appeared first on Business & Branding Tips.