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Should I Start a Blog, YouTube Channel, or Podcast?

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Learn how starting a blog, YouTube channel, and podcast can boost your personal brand, and expand your reach and visibility online to diverse audiences.

Building a personal brand has become essential today. Starting a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast helps you showcase your expertise, connect with a targeted audience, and establish credibility in your field. These platforms allow you to share your knowledge and personality, setting you apart from competitors.

According to a 2023 HubSpot study, 82% of marketers actively use content marketing, with blogs, YouTube channels, and podcasts among the top formats. Blogging alone boosts brand visibility, with websites that blog receiving 55% more traffic than those that don’t.

YouTube, the world’s second-largest search engine, has over 2.6 billion active users, making it a crucial platform for personal branding. Podcasts, too, are rapidly growing, with 464.7 million global listeners projected by 2024.

A well-crafted blog can demonstrate thought leadership, while a YouTube channel provides visual storytelling that fosters deeper engagement. Podcasts offer an intimate medium for in-depth conversations.

Each supports your online presence, driving traffic to your website, increasing your reach on social media, and even attracting potential clients or employers. By consistently creating content, you build authority and trust, which are key to developing a successful personal brand.

Leveraging these platforms can significantly enhance your personal brand by reaching diverse audiences and repurposing content can help you build maximum impact across all three channels.

This article explores the benefits of starting a blog, YouTube channel, and podcast for personal branding, how to get started, and which personality types are best suited for each platform.

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Write a Blog

Why Do It:

Starting a blog lets you showcase your expertise and establish authority in your niche. By sharing insightful and relevant content, you can position yourself as a thought leader, providing value to readers while building trust.

Blogs also boost your visibility through SEO, driving traffic to your site and helping you reach a broader audience. It’s a great way to create a personal connection with readers through the written word.

How to Do It:

Starting a blog is simple with WordPress, Medium, or Squarespace. Focus on choosing a niche that reflects your expertise or passion. Once your blog is live, develop a content calendar to ensure consistent updates.

Quality is crucial, so ensure each post provides real value—whether through tutorials, guides, or opinions. Use SEO best practices, such as keyword research, meta descriptions, and internal linking, to increase discoverability on search engines.

The Become a Blogger: From Strategy To Writing course is jam-packed with writing, strategy, and optimization courses to take you from a wanna-be blogger to a viral blogging expert.

Which Personality Type Should Do It:

Blogging is ideal for writers and those who prefer expressing ideas through the written word. It suits people who enjoy deep thinking and reflection and can communicate their thoughts in a structured format.

Introverts, or those who prefer working behind the scenes, often thrive in this environment since it doesn’t require being in the public eye.

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Start A Blog

Make a YouTube Channel

Why Do It:

A YouTube channel is an effective tool for building a personal brand because video content is highly engaging and shareable.

It allows you to visually demonstrate your skills, personality, and expertise, fostering a stronger emotional connection with your audience.

The platform’s algorithm favors creators who consistently publish high-quality videos, which can lead to exponential growth in your online presence.

How to Do It:

To start a YouTube channel, define your niche and audience first. Invest in basic equipment like a camera, tripod, and microphone to ensure professional-looking videos.

Focus on clear, concise messaging in your videos and use attractive thumbnails, titles, and tags to improve discoverability.

Engage with your viewers by responding to comments, and maintain a consistent video upload schedule to build momentum and maintain audience interest.

In the Grow Your Audience with YouTube Marketing course, you’ll learn how to set up, customize, and optimize your own successful YouTube channel to attract a wide audience for your brand.

Which Personality Type Should Do It:

YouTube is ideal for visual storytellers and people comfortable in front of a camera. If you’re charismatic, enjoy sharing ideas through visuals, and are comfortable with public exposure, this platform suits you perfectly.

Extroverts often excel here, though introverts who love video editing or creative production can also do well with the right approach. The On-Camera Charisma for YouTube Stars Course will help you boost your on-camera charisma, so you can appear and sound wonderful and confident in every video you upload.

Click here to do a free personality type test

How To Get Famous On YouTube

Record a Podcast

Why Do It:

Podcasts offer an intimate and flexible way to connect with your audience. Audio content is easy for listeners to consume on the go, and podcasts are a great format for in-depth conversations, interviews, and storytelling.

Starting a podcast allows you to position yourself as an expert while creating meaningful discussions on topics you’re passionate about. It’s also a less crowded space than blogs and YouTube, offering growth potential.

How to Do It:

To launch a podcast, you need a decent microphone and editing software. Platforms like Anchor, Buzzsprout, or Libsyn make it easy to upload and distribute episodes to directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

Choose a format — solo, interview-based, or conversational — and create a schedule to keep your content consistent. Focus on quality sound and engaging content to attract and retain listeners.

Learn how to start a podcast with free podcasting courses, tutorials, tools, and services.

Which Personality Type Should Do It:

Podcasts are ideal for conversationalists and those who enjoy talking through ideas. They also work well for introverts who prefer audio formats over video or text.

Podcasting is a great option for people who prefer long-form content and might not be interested in the visual aspect of YouTube. If you love having deep discussions or interviews with experts, you’ll thrive in the podcast space.

Click here to do a free personality type test


How to Start All Three

Starting a blog, YouTube channel, and podcast simultaneously or gradually expanding into these areas can significantly boost your personal brand. Repurposing content across platforms allows you to maximize your reach and leverage your work.

#1. Repurpose Content Across Channels

Create a blog post, then use the same ideas to create a podcast episode or YouTube video using a blog-to-video converter tool.

For example, a podcast or video can be transcribed within minutes using the Otter AI Audio Transcription Service which gives you rich, searchable notes with text, audio, images, speaker ID, and key phrases.

A “How-To” blog post can be transformed into a step-by-step video tutorial or an audio discussion for a podcast. This reduces content creation time and helps maintain consistency across platforms.

#2. Create Faceless YouTube Channels

If you’re camera-shy but want to tap into YouTube’s power, consider creating a channel that doesn’t require you to be on-screen.

Faceless YouTube channels could include tutorials, screen recordings, animations, or voice-over videos, allowing you to grow your audience without being in front of the camera.

youtube channel

#3. Cross-Promote Content Across Channels

Use one platform to promote the others. For example, mention your blog in your podcast episodes or include links to your podcast and YouTube videos in your blog posts. This cross-promotion helps grow all platforms simultaneously.

#4. Streamline Your Workflow

Use content planning tools to create and schedule your blog posts, video uploads, and podcast episodes in advance. This allows you to maintain consistency without feeling overwhelmed by the amount of content you need to produce.

Notion’s generative AI tools will help you brainstorm ideas, summarize, help you write, design your ideal workflow, and view it by timeline, task, team, or level of doneness.

#5. Outsource Content Repurposing

Outsourcing content repurposing to freelancers allows you to save time while ensuring high-quality output across multiple platforms. Skilled freelancers can transform a blog post into engaging YouTube scripts or podcast episodes, and vice versa, tailoring the content for each medium.

By delegating tasks like video editing, writing, and audio production, you can focus on strategy while maintaining consistency in your personal branding efforts.

By leveraging all three platforms — a blog, YouTube, and podcast — you can broaden your reach, connect with diverse audience types, and solidify your personal brand across different media formats.


© 2024, Priya Florence Shah. All rights reserved.

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